
More Than Quarter Of A Million People Engaged With Clare FM’s Election Coverage This Weekend

Well in excess of quarter of a million people tuned into Clare FM’s election coverage on air, online and on social media over the weekend.

Over 60,000 visitors visited the Clare FM Website on Saturday and Sunday, predominantly from Ireland, but also from the likes of the UK, US, Spain, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands, with around 180,000 page views.

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Close to 45,000 more tuned into the station’s 17 hours of live coverage from the Count Centre at Treacy’s West County Hotel, both on air and online.

While on social media, hundreds of thousands of people were also kept up to date by Clare’s award-winning radio station, with a Facebook and Instagram reach of almost 160,000 and more than 71,000 video plays

If you missed it, you can catch up on the weekend’s events our Live Blog here

