The Government is calling for a yes votes in Thursday’s referendum on the powers of inquiry of Oireachtas Committees and referendum on judges’ pay
On Wednesday’s Morning Focus Marian Egan was joined by a number of interested parties to debate the referendums
Pat Breen TD of Fine Gael and Senator Tony Mulcahy said that passing of the referendum will allow the Oireachtas to properly investigate the banking crisis and will be a clear sign that Ireland takes transparency seriously
Timmy Dooley TD of Fianna Fail is in favour of the notion of justices taking pay cuts – but wonders if it’s necessary to do this constitutionally
He had serious reservations about referendum on the 30th Amendment
Niall McDonagh, a Solicitor practicing in Ennis, said that the judges we have serve us well and does not agree that the system should be interfered with and also says the referendums are full of imponderable words
Morning Focus Coffee Morning for Clare Fm’s 50 cent Appeal taking place on Thursday 3rd November in The Town Hall in aid of Clare Have, SVdP, Clarecare and Cahercalla Hospice
Why not hold your own50 cent appeal coffee morning in conjunction with Morning Focus on Nov 3rd? register by emailing [email protected] or call reception 065 6828888
Morning Focus interviews with all seven Presidential Candidates are available as pod casts on our website
The Clare Fire Service and Clare County Council are urging members of the public and businesses not to supply any waste material to parties who do not hold a valid waste collection permit
This call comes from Clare Local Authorities and Clare Fire and Rescue Service in advance of the Halloween period Bonfires have over the years been used by some people as an illegal means of disposing of waste material
The uncontrolled burning of waste, particularly in bonfires, is against the law and releases toxic pollutants into the air which are known to be damaging to our health and environment
Robert Burns of the Waste Enforcement Section with Clare County Council joined Marian in studio to explain.
Towards a Clare Camino or A Clare Pilgrim Way – this is the second stage of the Clare Pilgrims Way and the route is Kilfenora to Kilmacdua
Brian Monney and others from the group were guests on Morning Focus before the first stage and now they hope to get the second stage off the ground
Patrick McCormack from the Burren and Marlene McCormack, Patrick’s Daughter also joined Marian in studio to speak about how she got on as she has just finished the Camino.
Lifford Football Club is celebrating its Golden Anniversary this year
Founded in 1961 the club’s home is Cassidy park and the club has, and continues to, cater for school boys, ladies and senior men and has produced its fair share of internationals too
John O’Neill, the Chairman of Lifford FC joined Marian in studio to speak about the clubs origins and achievements ahead of their celebratory dinner dance this weekend.
Paul Wolfe of the Clare Citizens’ Information Service joined Marian in studio to answer listeners’ social welfare, employment and consumer law queries.
If you have a story, comment or query for the Morning Focus team email [email protected]