
Number Of New COVID Cases In Clare Rises By 50% In Past Fortnight

The number of new COVID-19 cases in Clare has risen by more than 50 percent in the last two weeks.

The prevalence of the virus remains higher in the Shannon area than any other part of the county.

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77 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the Shannon electoral district in the two weeks up to this past Monday.

Its prevalence of the disease now stands at 253.3 per 100,000 people.

Ennis is the next highest with 63 cases there leaving its rate at 203.8.

33 cases in North Clare have left its rate at 201.1, and 38 people catching the virus in the East of the county leaves its figure at 189 per 100,000.

The Kilrush district remains the lowest in the county with 27 new cases diagnosed there in the past two weeks, with its rate now 128.6.

The 238 cases confirmed here in the last fortnight is a 52 percent rise on the 156 cases diagnosed here in the two weeks prior.

Meanwhile, public health officials are urging further vigilance as they continue to deal with a COVID-19 outbreak in the Ennis area.

Public Health Midwest has alerted the public to an outbreak of at least 10 cases in the Ennis area in the last fortnight where testing is now being offered to known individuals and groups.
