
Lughnasa festival set to Dazzle

Craggaunowen is set to hold a special festival next week in which members of the public can experience life in ancient Ireland.

The Lughnasa festival is set to take place over the August bank holiday weekend and will give the public the chance to learn about life in the Bronze Age and medieval Ireland.

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Craggaunowen is set to hold a special festival next week in which members of the public can experience life in ancient Ireland.

The Lughnasa festival is set to take place over the August bank holiday weekend and will give the public the chance to learn about life in the Bronze Age and medieval Ireland.

Events taking place on Sunday and Monday include a Brehon law trial, hand to hand combat, cooking demonstrations involving a fulacht fia and stone carving.

John Ruddle, CEO of Shannon Heritage thinks the weekend is a great opportunity for people to experience history with their own eyes
