
High Court To Be Told Of Settled Negligence Case With Widower Of Savita Halappanavar

The High Court will be told this afternoon (2pm) that the HSE has settled a medical negligence case with the widower of Savita Halappanavar.

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Praveen Halappanavar’s planned legal action related to the care she received in the lead up to her death at University Hospital Galway in October 2012.

Savita Halappanavar was told she was going to lose her baby when she was admitted to UHG on Week 17 of her pregnancy.

An aggressive infection went undetected until after she delivered the foetus and she died from it a few days later.

A HIQA report found a series of missed opportunities in her treatment could have saved her life, and a jury in her inquest returned a verdict of death by medical misadventure. 

Praveen described the way his wife was treated as “horrendous, barbaric and inhumane” and gave evidence of a consultant telling his wife they couldn’t terminate the pregnancy because there was a foetal heartbeat and “Ireland is a Catholic country” – Dr. Katherine Astbury denied saying that.

This afternoon, the High Court will be advised that his medical negligence case has been settled. The amount has not been disclosed.
