
Clare TD Calls For ‘Plan B’ In Case Current Covid Strategy Fails

Clare’s Independent TD is urging the Government to prepare a ‘Plan B’ which could be implemented if the strategy for supressing Covid-19 doesn’t work.

Today marks a milestone, as those aged over the age of 85 start receiving their Covid 19 vaccine, while next week, a new plan for Living With Covid is due to be published by Government.

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The Minister for Higher Education has told Clare FM that he expects restrictions to be with us for the forseeable future.ment is set to announce a new roadmap for Living With COVID next week.

It will involve a staggered return of construction and schools, but – for now at least – it’s likely to maintain a ban on indoor visits and hospitality.

Restrictions could be eased to allow people to meet outdoors and while the draft plan has no dates for when re-opening can begin, May or June is being considered most likely depending on the success of the vaccine rollout.

HIgher Education Minister Simon Harris today told Clare FM’s Morning Focus that restrictions are likely to be in place for the forseeable future.

But he hopes measures will be announced next week that will provide some hope for people ahead of what will be a very different summer.

Clare’s Independent TD admits that preliminary data on the rollout of the vaccine in other countries is positive and he remains hopeful that the current strategy will work.

However Scariff Deputy Michael McNamara is critical of the failure to plan for all eventualities, including that efforts to suppress the virus in the community could fail.
