
Bishop Of Killaloe Issues Pastoral Letter Ahead Of Referendum

The Bishop of Killaloe has stated that any repeal of the Eighth Amendment would create a ‘shocking and blatant inequality’ in our society.

In his pastoral letter ahead of the referendum on May 25th, Fintan Monahan has urged the people of Clare to vote no.

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Bishop Fintan Monahan’s pastoral letter is being issued this coming weekend, and sees him issue a call for people to vote no on May 25th.

He says the issue at hand is one with “profound moral and religious implications” – and one that will “shape society for generations to come”.

He goes on to say that it would create a “two-tier system” where some are entitled to life, while others are not.

The Bishop also says that if the constitutional protection of the right to life of the unborn is removed, then there will be nothing stopping the Dáil enacting even more liberal abortion laws into the future, although he regards the current proposals – in the event that the referendum is passed – as being among the most liberal abortion regimes in the world.
