
Anger In Clare Over Government Announcement On Ratifying UN Convention

A Clare campaigner for people with disabilities has hit out over a Government announcement which would bind the country by international law to uphold their rights.

The Government has decided to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities, after more than ten years, but with reservations, which means it will be signed ahead of all necessary legislation being passed.

Ireland will be the last signatory to ratify the convention once the agreement goes through the Dáil and Seanad and Ennistymon Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway, who is legally blind, acknowledges that legislative changes will be needed.

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But while he believes feet were dragged on the issue, he’s told Clare FM’s Morning Focus that it’s better late than never.

Clare disabilities campaigner Anne-Marie Flanagan has criticised the Senator’s comments, saying the Government is pushing ahead with an “opt out” agreement.

She’s been telling Clare FM’s Fiona Cahill that she believes it’s hugely disappointing that people’s basic rights aren’t being recognised.
