
Report Outlines Compliance Issues At Ennis Hospital Acute Psychiatric Unit

The Mental Health Commission has identified issues with the care plans for patients in the Acute Psychiatric Unit of Ennis Hospital.

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There were 37 residents at the Acute Psychiatric Unit in Ennis Hospital at the time of this inspection.

In its report, the Mental Health Commission rates the centre on a range of criteria, finding it to have a 74% compliance rate.

However, it was non-compliant in three areas for which it received a high risk rating.

Issues were identified in some patients’ individual care plans and in six-monthly general health assessments,while other issues were identified with the storing and documenting of resident’s property and possessions

With regards to the facility itself, the report also finds there was one shower in the high dependency unit (HDU) which had four beds and that residents could only access this shower by walking through another person’s bedroom, or otherwise be escorted to the main unit to use the showers there.

A similar report published last year found five high risk and one critical risk rating given to the Ennis facility.

In a separate report today, the Mental Health Commission says eight children have been admitted to the adult mental health unit at University Hospital Waterford since last July.
