Ballycar Green Energy LTD has officially lodged a planning application with An Bórd Pleanála for it’s proposed twelve turbine Windfarm near Meelick.
If approved, it’s estimated the development would provide clean renewable energy for up to 30,000 households.
The proposed Windfarm would be located on a 140-hectare site located within the townlands of Cappateemore East, Ballycannan West, Ballycannan East, Ballycar South, Ballycar North, and Glennagross.
If approved, the project would involve 12 Wind Turbines up to 158m in height, along with a 90-metre meteorological mast and an electrical substation.
An Environmental Impact Assessment estimates that felling of approximately 15.97ha of forestry will be required to facilitate the development.
As well as this, a traffic and transport assessment from ORS Engineering suggests that there will be up to 252 Heavy Good’s Vehicle movements to the site during the peak construction period.
According to Ballycar Green Energy LTD, the development will have the potential to offset 32,000 tonnes of CO2 each year, while providing enough power for the equivalent of 30,000 households.
The company also states that through a community benefit fund, the local area will benefit from a €3.75m direct investment during the Windfarm’s first fifteen years of operation, with 50% of this funding earmarked for residents living within 1-2km.
It’s also envisaged that the project will create up to 180 direct and indirect jobs during the construction phase and 60 jobs thereafter.
An Bórd Pleanála is due to make a decision on the case by the 25th of July.