A planning application to upgrade coastal defence embankments at Shannon Airport has been put on hold by the local authority.
As flooding causes issues at locations throughout the county and country, Clare County Council has requested further information from the Shannon Airport Authority before a final decision can be issued on the project that is designed to ease the threat of flooding there.
The issue arose in 2014 when storm damage led to a number of embankments being in need of upgrade or replacement.
At that time, land around the airport as well as at the golf club in Shannon experienced floods.
Now, the Shannon Airport Authority has submitted a planning application to improve the flood defences but the project has come up against a stumbling block.
The council has put the file on hold, requesting further information from the SAA on it before it can proceed.
The council has requested revised drawings, to show a clear distinction between the proposed stone armour walls and the existing ones.
The Natura Impact Statement already carried out has been deemed insufficient, with the council asking for a new one to be provided to them, while the council also says the information provided to date does not correlate with the findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment.
The entire planning file is now on hold until the Shannon Airport Authority provides this updated information, at which stage it will then be able to progress.
Separately, a €27 million flood defence project is being progressed which will address wider flooding issues affecting Shannon Airport, the town and surrounding areas.