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Monday, June 17, 2024

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Aer Lingus Cabin Crew Talks To Continue

IMPACT says Aer Lingus is seeking "unacceptable conditions" in return for a deal over a roster row. Talks between management and trade...

Varadkar Rules Out Shannon Rail-Link

The Transport Minister has poured cold water on renewed suggestions that a rail link should be developed to Shannon Airport. The call...

Tuam Archbishop To Support Government

The Archbishop of Tuam has called on the Bon Secours Sisters to 'act upon their responsibilities' following the discovery of 800 childrens' remains in...

Reilly Under Fire From Fine Gael Backbenchers

Health Minister James Reilly has come under fire from a number of backbenchers at a Fine Gael parliamentary party meeting. It comes...

Ennis Teen Charged With False Imprisonment

A 15-year old boy yesterday appeared before the Children’s Court in Ennis charged with falsely imprisoning a motorist in Ennis in August of last...

Increased calls for full inquiry into discovery of mass grave in Tuam

The Public Expenditure Minister has vowed that the government will take action following the revelation that the remains of 800 babies and children are...

Calls for Life Long Medical Card for those with Disabilities.

Two of the Health Minister's cabinet colleagues have publicly given him their support. James Reilly's been under increasing pressure due to the...

Talks Aim To Resolve Aer Lingus Cabin Crew Row

Union reps and management at Aer Lingus will hold talks today in the row over cabin crew rosters. IMPACT members staged a...

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