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Ennis, ie
Saturday, July 27, 2024

On-Air Now

  • Country Corner with Mike Gardiner
    Text 086 1800 964
    Call 0818 400 964
    Saturday, 10:00 -13:59


School Cost Reduction Scheme Falls Short, Says Barnardos

New measures aimed at reducing the cost of going to school are facing criticism for not going far enough. Children's charity Barnardos says the plans,...

Teachers Want Salaries Restored To Pre-Recession Levels

Primary school teachers say they want to get back money deducted from their salaries during the recession. The INTO is holding its annual congress in...

Praise For Two Clare Schools After Department Inspection

Two Clare schools have been largely praised following inspections by the Department of Education. A report into Barefield National School has praised high standards at...

Extension For St. Anne’s Moves Closer

Clare's Fianna Fáil TD has welcomed the annoucement of funding for the redevelopment of a Killaloe school. Progress has been made on the St Anne's...

Zappone Promises Independent Review Of Childcare Costs

The Children's Minister Katherine Zappone has promised an independent review of the cost of childcare. The root and branch review comes as Early Childhood Ireland...

Department Praise For North Clare School

An all-boys post-primary school in Ennistymon has been praised by Department of Education inspectors. A whole school evaluation of Meánscoil Na mBráithre, carried out last...

Annual USI Congress Held In Ennis

Today will see the final debates of the annual Union of Students of Ireland Congress being held in Ennis Representatives from Student's Unions from all...

School Meals Scheme To Be Expanded

The Government's announced an expansion of the school meals scheme. An extra 3 million euro is being provided from September next. It'll see a total of...

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