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Ennis, ie
Saturday, July 27, 2024

On-Air Now

  • Le Chéile with Pat Flynn
    Text 086 1800 964
    Call 0818 400 964
    Saturday, 07:00 -08:59


Additional Trains From Ennis For All-Ireland Final Announced

Four additional trains from Ennis for the All-Ireland Final have been announced. Iarnród Éireann has confirmed two additional services will depart Ennis for Dublin Heuston...

Clare Senator Defends Taxi Fare Hike As Necessary For Drivers Livelihoods

A Clare member of the Oireachtas Transport Committee is defending a recommended increase for taxi fares as a necessary move to secure a livelihood...

Claims Rail Link To Shannon Would Be “Feather In The Cap” Of Town

It's been suggested a rail link to Shannon would be a "feather in the cap" of the industrial town. The idea of a Shannon rail...

Claims Lack Of Bus Stops Inhibiting North Clare Transport Options

It's claimed the people of North Clare are being denied access to public transport due to a lack of infrastructure. In the local authority's 2023...

Clare Gardaí To Come Down Hard On Motorists In Breach Of New E-Scooter Laws

The Head of Roads Policing in Clare insists Gardaí will come down hard on those who violate new regulations on e-scooters coming into effect...

Burren National Park Shuttle Bus To Resume Next Week

A free shuttle bus service to the Burren National Park will resume next week. The National Parks and Wildlife Service will be operating the route...

Over 1,000 Submissions Lodged On Reopening Of Crusheen Railway

There has been a surge in support for the reopening of the Crusheen Rail Stop. In March, Clare County Council commissioned Repucon Consulting to conduct...

Community Views “Vital” As Ennis-Shannon-Limerick Bus Service Overhauled

It's claimed the views of the local community will be vital as public transport services in the Shannon area are overhauled. A public consultation process...

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