
Seven Confirmed Cases Of Flu At Ennis Hospital

Visiting restrictions have been put in place at Ennis General Hospital following an outbreak of flu.

A total of seven cases have been confirmed there, as of this morning.

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It follows a similar outbreak at the region’s main hospital in Limerick.

Seven cases of the flu have been confirmed Ennis General Hospital this morning.

The outbreak has resulted in visiting restrictions being implemented – only one visitor per patient is permitted and visiting hours, which run from 2 to 4pm and 6 to 9pm, are being strictly adhered to.

Children are not allowed to visit the hospital.

The UL Hospitals Group says all infection control measures are in place and every effort is being made to contain and manage the spread of the flu. Patients are in single rooms and have been isolated as appropriate.

People with flu-like symptoms are being advised to contact their GP by phone in the first instance and avoid presenting at the Emergency Department in Limerick, where possible.

Visiting restrictions also remain in place at University Hospital Limerick, where 11 cases of the flu virus were confirmed last week.
