
No Dáil Questions On Doonbeg Wind Farm For Varadkar

There have been no questions for Leo Varadkar in the Dáil today about his response to a phone call from Donald Trump in relation to a planned West Clare wind farm.

The Taoiseach told an event in Washington last week that he called Clare County Council to inquire about the application, which was ultimately refused planning permission.

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However, he later said there was no such phone call, but that he did in fact write to Fáilte Ireland about it.

His comments led to widespread political criticisms, but despite this, the matter was not raised in the Dáil today as Leo Varadkar took questions for the first time since his trip to the US.

Yesterday Sinn Féin did call for an amendment to laws to ensure there is no inappropriate contact between business people and politicians in relation to planning matters.

Earlier, Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey insisted the then Tourism Minister acted appropriately at all times.
