The M20 Cork to Limerick motorway will be developed on a route that runs via Charleville and Mallow.
Elected representatives from the region have been informed of the decision by Limerick’s Council today.
The road will run close to the existing N20 road, that takes in Charleville and Mallow, rather than an alternative plan to route it via Cahir in Tipperary and the existing M8.
Some lobby groups and political interests argue that route would be cheaper and provide the same benefits.
However, Limerick Council says their preferred option provides the highest journey saving times, has the greatest potential to reduce road collisions, and provides the highest level of traffic relief to towns and villages.
Some business interest groups in Clare say this road is vital for the region, and believe it will open further business opportunities here and help the South and West act as an economic counterpole to Dublin.
Public consultation on the route will take place later this year, after which a preferred route will be identified.
The final project will need to be submitted to An Bord Pleanála, and requires government funding, so construction is still a number of years away.