
Fugitive Sex Attacker Minutes Away From Departing For Dubai

The High Court has heard a fugitive sex attacker was minutes away from departing for Dubai when he was intercepted by Gardaí last night. 

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Pakistani national Mian Shahid was convicted of sexual assault in England in April – and sentenced to two and a half years in prison. 

He’s been remanded in custody until his extradition hearing tomorrow morning.

The High Court heard Gardaí first learned that 19-year-old Mian Shahid may be in Foynes, Co. Limerick in August.

The Pakistani national was the focus of a European Arrest Warrant – after he was convicted in his absence for a sexual assault by Stafford Crown Court in England in April – and sentenced to 30 months in prison. 

Garda Enda Ledwith told the court that officers learned Shahid was due to leave Ireland for Dubai last night – possibly with the intent of taking a connecting flight to Pakistan. 

Garda Ledwith boarded Emirates flight EK 164 and made the arrest – after boarding had finished – and the plane was ‘just about to leave’. 

Shahid appeared in court this morning – where his temporary Pakistani passport was produced – and Mr Justice Tony Hunt was satisfied of his identity.

Shahid will now be remanded in custody until tomorrow’s extradition hearing at the Criminal Courts of Justice.
