The High Court has heard a fugitive sex attacker was minutes away from departing for Dubai when he was intercepted by Gardaí last night.
Pakistani national Mian Shahid was convicted of sexual assault in England in April – and sentenced to two and a half years in prison.
He’s been remanded in custody until his extradition hearing tomorrow morning.
The High Court heard Gardaí first learned that 19-year-old Mian Shahid may be in Foynes, Co. Limerick in August.
The Pakistani national was the focus of a European Arrest Warrant – after he was convicted in his absence for a sexual assault by Stafford Crown Court in England in April – and sentenced to 30 months in prison.
Garda Enda Ledwith told the court that officers learned Shahid was due to leave Ireland for Dubai last night – possibly with the intent of taking a connecting flight to Pakistan.
Garda Ledwith boarded Emirates flight EK 164 and made the arrest – after boarding had finished – and the plane was ‘just about to leave’.
Shahid appeared in court this morning – where his temporary Pakistani passport was produced – and Mr Justice Tony Hunt was satisfied of his identity.
Shahid will now be remanded in custody until tomorrow’s extradition hearing at the Criminal Courts of Justice.