The Environment Minister is to bring proposed schemes on affordable rent and social housing before the Cabinet this morning.
Alan Kelly's plans would provide support for low income workers and construction companies.
The Environment Minister is bringing a number of proposals on housing before what could be one of the last cabinet meetings before the election.
Under one scheme the government would pay 30% of the rent for low earners.
To qualify people would have to be spending 30% of their net income on rent, but not be eligible for social housing.
Meanwhile a plan aimed at getting more investment in social housing would see the government guarantee up to 90% of the income stream from the schemes.
Minister Alan Kelly has said he wants to provide a healthy mix of social housing, affordable rental accommodation and private housing.
It comes after the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland warned that new minimum apartment sizes introduced by Minister Kelly last month can't actually be built.
They say it's not possible to build an apartment in the new size because the smallest possible rooms won't fit inside.