
Ennis gets green light for waste water treatment upgrade

It’s hoped a 2.8 million euro spend on Sewerage Infrastructure in Ennis will lead to new growth and development of the town, but some local representatives say it won’t be enough.

Clare County Council says it’s delighted a decision by An Bord Pleanala to grant planning permission for a 2.8 million euro upgrade to the main Waste Water Treatment Plant at Clonroadmore, Ennis with construction to commence next year.

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But with unemployment at an all time high throughout Clare, Ennis Councillors says further sewerage works will be required if any new developments or job creating industries are to proceed here.

Independent Councillor Tommy Brennan says the Clonroadmore funding is a step in the right direction, but a total upgrade of the towns infrastructure is needed including the town’s other main plant at Clareabbey

