New figures have revealed that Clare County Council exceeded its targets in terms of the provision of social housing across 2019.
However, the majority of families housed last year were done so in privately rented homes under two separate schemes, rather than newly added housing stock.
Clare County Council’s latest report has revealed that it has exceeded the 2019 Rebuilding Ireland targets set by the Department of Housing.
A total of 500 homes were secured, across the HAP and RAS schemes, building, leasing and acquisition – ahead of the objective of 475.
However, the majority of families housed in 2019 were done so in privately rented houses, where the council assists them in paying their rent, as opposed to newly added housing stock.
289 homes came under the HAP scheme, ahead of its 250 target, while 59 were under the RAS scheme, where a goal was set of just 14.
By comparison, Clare County Council missed its target of building 100 new homes, with 90 brought to completion by the end of the year, while the aim or securing 80 through leasing fell far short, with just 26 such properties coming on stream.
Despite this though, the overall figures show that the social housing targets for 2019 were exceeded by 5% in this county across the year.