Derelict site owners in Clare were issued with a combined bill of over €90,000 last month.
It came in a month when two additional properties were entered onto the county’s Derelict Sites Register.
According to Clare County Council figures, its Derelict Sites Team is currently dealing with 260 properties countywide which are deemed derelict.
Across the month of April, five notices were issued to enter sites onto the Derelict Sites Register, five properties were removed from the register, two were officially put on the register and a file was opened on one new property.
Additionally, Compulsory Purchase Orders have been commenced on two derelict sites in Clare so far this year – meaning the local authority has identified and commenced engagement on 12 additional properties in 2024.
Under the Derelict Site Levy, which requires site owners to pay an annual tax of 7% of the property value, a total bill of €94,000 was issued to five separate owners in April.
Throughout last year, 24 properties were entered onto the Derelict Sites Register in Clare, while 10 CPOs were commenced.