
An Bórd Pleanála Gives Green Light For New Shared Shower And Changing Facilities In Kilkee

An Bórd Pleanála has given the green light for the installation of growth shared community facilities in Kilkee.

Clare County Council is now set to deliver new wheelchair, shower and changing room amenities in the seaside town.

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The Local Authority lodged their initial application with An Bórd Pleanalá over a year ago on the 25th of March 2022.

Today, the national planning body has made their decision and Clare County Council has been granted conditional approval for the provision of Fáílte Ireland Platforms for Growth Shared Community facilities.

The development will involve the construction of an exemplar designed wheelchair, shower and changing room at East End in Kilkee.

Additionally approval has also been obtained for the development of requisite external works including the provision of access ramps and steps and connections to all ancillary services in the West Clare town.

The facilities will also deliver a covered briefing and teaching space for activity providers and will replace the existing older toilet block at the resort.

The planning permission has been granted subject to eleven conditions, which involve measures to protect aquatic biodiversity, maintaining visual amenity and compliance with the EU’s Natura Impact Assessment for the site.
