
Bishop Of Killaloe Apologises On Behalf Of Diocese For ‘Unacceptable’ Behaviour Of Clare Priest

The Bishop of Killaloe has apologised on behalf of the Diocese for the hurt caused by what he’s described as highly unacceptable behaviour of a Clare priest.

At Galway District Court, Fr Jerry Carey has been handed down a one month suspended jail sentence for indecent exposure at Blackrock in August of last year.

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Fr. Jerry Carey has been a priest of the diocese of Killaloe for the past 37 years and most recently worked as the parish priest in Doora/Barefield.

Yesterday, before the District Court in Galway, he pleaded guilty to intentionally engaging in offensive conduct of a sexual nature in a public place, and received a one month suspended sentence.

In statement today, the Bishop of Killaloe says Fr. Carey has sincerely apologised for his behaviour and he deeply regrets the damage caused by his actions.

Bishop Finatan Monohan says he acknowledges the upset and distress caused to parishioners, priests and the many people to whom Fr. Carey ministered.

On behalf of the diocese, the Bishop has apologised for the hurt caused by the crime and what he’s described as “highly unacceptable behaviour”.

The incident occured last August, and once it came to light, Fr. Carey stood down from ministry and immediately engaged in a therapeutic course of assessment and counselling, which continues.

The Bishop concludes his statement by encouraging anyone affected by any of the issues to contact the diocese or relevant authorities.
