There’s been a significant fall-off in the number of new homes granted planning permission in Clare this year.
The green light has been given for just 102 homes in Clare so far this year, less than half of the levels recorded in the same time in 2018 and 2019.
Clare FM’s Fiona Cahill reports.
A fall-off in planning permissions might be expected in the current climate, but these CSO figures show the slowdown began before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
From January to June, 52 planning permissions were granted for a total of 102 new homes to be built in Clare.
That’s less than half the number of planning permissions, and permitted units, when compared with the first six months of 2018 and 2019.
Levels seen this year were last seen in 2016.
Permission was only given for 15 one-off homes in the second quarter of this year, the lowest level of any three-month period this century.