
Morning Focus – Thursday 27/02/20

Today on Morning Focus, we were joined in studio by Garda Youth Award Winners as we heard their inspiring stories as to why they were given these awards.

Firstly we were joined in studio by students from St. John Bosco Community College, Abbey Hehir, Rebecca Murphy and Ryley Cantrell who are winners of the community safety award for their project the ‘Slurry Pit Saver’.

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Inspector Paul Slattery, also joined us in studio tell us more about the Awards.

You can listen back to that segment of the interview below:

Then we heard from 3 of the Clare special achievement award winners, Labhaosie Fitzgerald from Tulla, Jade Needham from Killaloe and Jessica Whelan from O ‘ Briens Bridge. The Special Achievement Award is given to someone who has overcome difficult circumstances, defied the odds and whose commitment deserves recognition.

Labhaoise, was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma in 2014. She had a tumour on her brain which spread down her spine, she is undergoing chemotherapy and has had many surgeries. Despite this, she has an amazing can-do attitude and is an inspiration to everyone at her school, St. Josephs. She still tries her best to attend school and catches up on her homework when she isn’t well enough to and even completed her Junior Cert just last year.

Jessica, was 2 years old when she lost an eye due to an accident in the family home, she has no sight in her left eye following 24 procedures. Jessica is described as fearless and doesn’t allow her disability to hold her back, she gets involved in sports and school activities when she can. She has two Autistic brothers which whom she supports constantly at home or in social settings. Jessica completed a project on autism and presented it to her school, she also organised a phone collection for her brothers in association with Autism Ireland and lastly, Jessica organised a TY Bake Sale to raise money for Temple Street Children’s Hospital, she presented the cheque to the Eye Ward with her Dad.

Finally, since Jade was three years old she has been living with Cystic Fibrosis, despite her lifestyle in managing her CF through medication, exercise and physiotherapy, she remains very positive. Her positive outlook didn’t change either when she suffered two bereavements in her family due to CF she still soldiers on with a positive mindset to life. Jade has raised over €4,500 for charity and maintains a positive presence on her social media channels to inspire other CF sufferers to find something there passionate about and do it!

To hear the second part of that interview, you can listen back below:

To open the show we were joined on the line by Noel McNamara, Ireland U-20 Head Coach, O’Callaghans Mills after the announcement that the Coronavirus has forced the cancellation of Ireland v Italy in Six Nations. IRFU chief executive Philip Browne confirmed the news following discussions with Department of Health officials. The cancellation extends to the women’s and under-20’s games with their Azzurri counterparts.


Next on the show, we were joined in studio by Disability Rights Activist, Ann Marie Flanagan as she is running in the Seanad Elections.

If you missed it, you can listen back below:

Following from that interview we spoke about an event taking place in Flagmount this Friday, the 28th of February. The Addiction Awareness and Mental Wellbeing evening in Loughgraney Community Centre tomorrow evening from 8 pm to 10 pm and all are invited.  The event has been organised by Loughgraney Youth Club and will deal with such issues as Mental Health and Wellbeing, Drugs and Alcohol, Gambling and also the various support services available. Refreshments will also be served. Speaker on Alcohol Addiction at the event, Celia Brett joined us in studio along with Young Youth Club Leaders, Becky Smyth and Sinead O’Callaghan to tell us more about the event.

If you missed it, you can listen back below:

After the 10 am News, Dr Toby Sachsenmaier, Clinical Psychologist, joined us in studio to provide us with some parenting advice in relation to teenagers. One of the points we discussed was why teenagers reject their parent’s solutions to their problems.

If you missed it, you can listen back below:

To wrap up today’s Morning Focus we heard from Clare County Arts Officer, Siobhán Mulcahy as she told us all about the events taking place around the county in the upcoming week.
