
Kerry Agribusiness

Kerry Agribusiness, through its Services Business Unit will assemble quality milk for Kerry Dairy Ingredients at the lowest cost and will provide a range of services which will enable our suppliers to become least cost producers.

Kerry Agribusiness through its Trading Business Unit will market a range of quality low cost farm inputs.

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With increasing consumer consciousness concerning food safety, welfare and environmental issues, a pre-requisite for the production of superior quality food and ingredients is the assurance of high quality raw materials produced from efficient, natural, “environmentally friendly” farming systems. Kerry’s agribusiness division, working closely with the Group’s 4,000 milk suppliers in Ireland, ensures the efficient production of quality milk in line with EU Dairy Hygiene Regulations, whilst recognising the need to maintain a vibrant rural community in a sustainable unspoilt environment.

The range of products and services provided by Kerry Agribusiness is targeted to optimise profitability at farm level and achieve least cost production through an unrelenting focus on production costs and on the quality and value of milk solid constituents produced. Against a background of continuing change in the EU and worldwide agricultural industries, Kerry Agribusiness is committed to bringing the Group’s wealth of knowledge and international experience to the service of its supplier base, while maintaining a continuing focus on cost control and efficiencies at divisional level, in line with the changing demand for products and services in the farming sector.

Kerry Agribusiness also provides technical support in relation to raw material requirements to other Group business units, with specific reference to animal nutrition, welfare and the environment.

  • Technical, advisory and extension services for the entire supplier base to maximise on-farm efficiencies through the application of management information systems, improved grassland management practices and specialist nutrition services to optimise production of milk constituents
  • Efficient milk assembly through a fleet of computerised tankers
  • Breeding technology and advice
  • Provision of essential farm inputs and associated services
  • Top quality animal feeds and delivery service from Kerry Agribusiness Feed Mill in Farranfore, Co. Kerry.

Contact Details:

Eamon Flanagan
Kerry Agribusiness,
Quin Rd, Ennis Co. Clare
065 6829484
