
Ardscoil Rís Lose Out In Croke Cup Semi-Final

In hurling, Ardscoil Rís have failed to reach the final of the Croke Cup. The...

Ardscoil Rís Through To Harty Cup Semi-Finals

Ardsoil Rís in Limerick are through to the semi finals of the Harty Cup...

Over 600 New Addresses Added To Clare’s Housing...

Over 600 new addresses were added to Clare's housing stock last year. The latest...

More Than 300 Public Submissions Made Over Plans...

The National Transport Authority has received over 300 public submissions on its plans...

“Not Enough Focus” On Huge Potential Of South...

It's claimed South Clare is missing out on major tourism opportunities due to...

Clare Ladies Footballers Looking To Take Step Toward...

Clare will be hoping to effectively secure their status in Division Two of...

Russell Admits Disappointment Of FAI Junior Cup Exit...

The manager of Avenue United admits it will take some time for them...

McMahon Willing Banner Footballers To Build On Consecutive...

Clare's man of the match in their National Football League win over Fermanagh...