
Day Two of FAI Festival


Day two of the FAI Festival of Football gets underway in Clare  later today as clubs in the east of the county get ready for  various activities to welcome John Delaney and other special guests.

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Today’s highlights will include a special celebration of Lifford FC as well the opening of astro turf pitches in Tulla.

The action gets kicks off  at lees road at 10.25 with a visit to the summer school being run in Ennis while there is also going to be a big interest ion the special Olympics football blitz taking place today.

Later in Cassidy Park, Lifford FC will celebrate their 50th anniversary with a planting of a commerative tree and a 5 a side game.

Coole Park in Gort will see intercultural activity while there will be a visit to Scarriff and Lough Derg F.C as well as Bridge United later in the evening.

The final activity for the day will be in Tulla after 7 o’clock with the opening of the new soccer astro turf pitches.
