Women’s Shed And Deaf Community Choir Collaborate To Produce ‘Cinderella Receycled’

Photo (c) Clare FM Fiona McSweeney Gillian Rafferty Carri O'Donnell

On Friday’s Morning Focus, Alan was joined by Fiona McSweeney who is the Co-director of the Ennis Women’s Shed and Gillian Lafferty who is a member of the Hands in Harmony Deaf Community Choir. They were also accompanied by Carri O’Donnell who is Gillian’s sign language interpreter. Fiona previewed the upcoming production of ‘Cinderella Recycled’ which will be hosted by the Ennis Women’s Shed and the Hands in Harmony Deaf Community Choir. She discussed the aim of the event which is based around the circle economy and fast fashion. Gillian discussed the role of the Hands in Harmony Deaf Community Choir and explained how important it is for it’s members to come together in a fun environment to curb isolation and loneliness. She mentioned the number of people that will feature on stage on the night of the production and issued awareness surrounding Irish sign language.
‘Cinderella Recycled’ is set to take place on Wednesday 8th of March in Hotel Woodstock.

You can listen to the full interview below.