
St. Flannan’s Students To Help Care Centre In South Africa

Next February, seven students from St. Flannan’s College in Ennis will travel to South Africa to volunteer at the Missionvale Care Center in Port Elizabeth.

Located on the outskirts of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Missionvale is a township of an estimated 25,000 people. Like much of the African continent, Missionvale has been ravaged by disease, unemployment, and malnutrition.

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The students of St. Flannan’s will help in different units in the care centre, carrying out the imperative daily tasks that have become necessities to everyday survival in Missionvale.

For more on this, Alan was Alan was joined by Teacher Caoilfhinn McNelis along with TY students from St. Flannans on Monday’s Morning Focus.

You can listen to the full interview below. 
