Now in its 25th year, Science Week runs until Sunday against a societal backdrop never previously experienced in our lifetime. Now, more than ever, we have turned to the information science provides to guide our decisions.
Irish Water is delighted to take part in Science Week 2020 and focusing on how science can improve our lives for today and in the future, especially during these unprecedented times.
Throughout Science Week, they will be highlighting energy efficiency projects as well as introducing some of the Irish Water scientists who use science everyday as part of their role.
On Wednesday’s Morning Focus, Gavin Grace spoke to Alan Morrissey, Water Resilience Regional Lead for Irish Water and
Caoimhe O’Brien Moran, Green Schools Officer with An Taisce about the sustainable delivery of water and about water conservation.
Brought to you in association with Irish Water, supporting Science Week 2020. Safeguarding our water for our future. Visit for more information.