
Respiratory Syncytial Virus In Children

Close to three quarters of parents in this country are planning to ask other adults to avoid touching their child’s face or hands to help prevent infection with RSV – or respiratory syncytial virus – this winter.

That is according to new data, with cases of RSV spiking very early in the autumn and winter seasons last year, reaching extremely high numbers quickly.

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So far this year, doctors haven’t seen this kind of spike in numbers, with just 28 cases reported during the week up to the 30th of September.

Despite the current low numbers, parents are being urged by GPS and pediatricians to take easy-to-apply precautions in the hope of limiting spread over the next few months.

For more on this, Alan Morrissey was joined by Ennis GP, Dr. Máire Finn on Friday’s Morning Focus.

Picture (c) Kameleon007 from Getty Images Signature via

You can listen to the full interview below.
