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Monday, June 17, 2024

On-Air Now

  • Out the Gap with Lauren Lynch
    Text 086 1800 964
    Call 0818 400 964
    Monday, 15:00 -18:59


El Divas Come To Glór

“Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are always there”. That is the saying that the El...

Clare Fodder Shortage Continues

The fodder crisis is continuing to deepen for farmers around the country and has been sharply felt in the west. Supplies have been brought in...

High Level Of Non-Performing Loans Affecting Irish Economy

The Central Bank says the high level of non-performing loans held by financial institutions poses a risk to the Irish economy. 44 per cent of...

West Clare Autism Expert Organises Major UCC Conference

Dr Susan Crawford who hails from West Clare is a leading authority on the topic of autism. Dr Crawford of UCC is one of...

The 20th Anniversary Of The Good Friday Agreement

20 years ago David Trimble and John Hume delivered the milestone agreement that came to be known as the Good Friday Agreement. This year marked...

Cultural Companions Initiative In Clare

Many of us would probably go to a lot more plays, films, shows, concerts, exhibitions, or other events if we had someone to go...

Hero Gardaí Save Baby At Ennis Garda Station

Two Ennis Gardaí are being hailed as heroes after they gave life-saving care to a nine-day old baby at Ennis Garda Station last week....

How Clare Farmers Are Dealing With The Fodder Crisis

As fodder dominates the headlines, this week's episode of Farm Focus looks at how farmers in Clare are affected. Pat O'Donoghue from Ennistymon shared his...

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