On Tuesday’s Morning Focus, Alan was joined by members of the Oakhill Players such as Mary Callaghan, Cathy Collins, Pat Fitzpatrick, Faye Collins and Dave Hanley. They discussed their upcoming production of the play ‘Many Young Men of Twenty’ by John B. Keane that is set to take place this month. Mary Callaghan who is the Stage Manager of the play spoke about the history of the Oakhill Players and mentioned the productions the group have performed since reforming in 2016. Cathy Collins who is the Director of the Oakhill Players complimented the younger cast involved in the production on their work in the rehearsals and discussed her excitement for the play. Faye Collins, Pat Fitzpatrick and Dave Hanley described their roles in the play and gave listeners an insight into what will be on show on the night. The production will take place on the 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th of February in Knockerra Hall in Kilrush County Clare V15 VK23 at 8pm.
You can listen to the full interview below.