
No improvement letters issued to landlords despite over 1,400 properties not meeting requirements

Clare County Council hasn’t issued improvement letters to landlords since 2017 despite over 1,400 properties failing to meet requirements.

Councils around the country have invoked these measures a combined 56,000 times in that timeframe.

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Responding to a query from Clare FM, a Council spokesperson has said that instead, it has issued ‘notices of works’ as these have been found to be more conducive.

They say most of the works required are minor, and that in instances where the property was deemed unfit the tenant was relocated.

The Council says it will continue to work with landlords and that it remains aware of the legislative route open to the Council.

On Monday’s Morning Focus, Gavin Grace spoke to Karina Timothy, Western Regional Services Manager for Threshold and Gerry Flynn, Independent Cllr in Shannon.
