On Thursday’s Morning Focus, Alan was joined by Barbara Buckley who is part of the ‘Kaftrio 35’ campaign and is a mother to her six year old daughter Hazel who has cystic fibrosis. Barbara reacted to the good news for the 35 children with cystic fibrosis after the HSE approved a life-changing drug therapy for use by children between the ages of 6 and 11. Barbara described the relief she felt after hearing the announcement and highlighted the long emotional road campaigning for the life changing ‘Kaftrio’ to be made available to 35 young children. She mentioned the various symptoms of cystic fibrosis her daughter Hazel experiences along with the medication she must take on a daily basis. She described the physical and emotional effect cystic fibrosis has on her body and stated the major positives the Kaftrio drug will bring to her life. Barbara looked ahead to the positive changes this will have on her daughters life who will now be able to live more freely as a result.
You can listen to the full interview below.