
The ‘Madness’ and Preparation Behind Christmas Lights Displays

2020 has been a trying year and many of us are still trying to come to terms with celebrating a different Christmas. However, two Clare men are as dedicated as ever to bringing joy to all who pass with their fantastic Christmas lights display – and all for charity! Gerry Keane from the Gort Road lit up his house in November to raise funds for Cahercalla Hospice. John Fennell from Kilrush has lit his house in aid of RNLI Kilrush and the West Clare Cancer Centre and was crowned Energia’s Most Christmassy Home of the Year! So, who better to ask how to celebrate a very different Christmas than those filled with the most Christmas spirit!

On Christmas Eve’s Morning Focus, Gavin Grace spoke to Gerry Keane from the Gort Road and John Fennell from Kilrush about their impressive lights displays.

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