The Lahinch Christmas Swim has been going for 30 years now. However, like many other activities, it too has been affected by the pandemic.
However, the organisers have adapted the swim to overcome the limitations posed by the virus.
Instead of groups coming to swim on the 25th, now individuals will swim each day up until the 25th and all in aid of the Samaritans Ennis and Clare!
The charity is appealing for funds after suffering a drop in donations this year.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic emerged in March 2020, the charity’s usual fundraising activities had to cease and public donations have reduced.
On average the Ennis branch answers 100 phone calls a day and volunteers reply to between 10 to 50 emails daily from people who are distressed, lonely or in need.
The branch is in need of funds to try and meet the shortfall in fundraising and donations to cover running costs.
Pat was joined on the line by Margaret MacMahon, Director of Clare Samaritans, and Cliodhna Fawl, one of the Christmas Swim organisers.