
Jackie Bonfield, CEO of Midwest Simon talks about SOS Thomund Park Sleep Out

The most recent data from the Department of Housing show that 70 adults are homeless across the county, while local authority figures have also revealed that 48 children were being housed in emergency accommodation towards the end of June.

Now those figures change on a monthly basis but, unfortunately, show little signs of any significant improvement – that’s despite initiatives like the family hub here in Ennis.

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One organisation at the coalface here is Midwest Simon and later this year they’ll be giving people a taste of what it’s like to be without a roof over their heads, though their now annual SOS Thomond Park Sleep Out.
That takes place on November 30. It asks participants to raise €1000 and to join in a night of solidarity with those who are most vulnerable. This year, participants will be given an opportunity to test their skills in a kicking competition led by Munster Rugby’s Dan Goggin.

Jackie Bonfield, CEO of Midwest Simon joined us on the line to tell us why this event is so important.
