
Finbar Wright Shares His Journey To Stardom On Morning Focus

On Tuesday’s Morning Focus, Alan was joined by renowned tenor Finbar Wright who is set to embark on his first nationwide tour in three years. Finbar discussed when and where his interest commenced in opera music and spoke about his early life in music where his mother began giving him piano lessons aged 4. He spoke about the moment his career began to take an upward spiral and described the various characters and famous names he has worked with over the years with including Arsenal FC’s very own Ian Wright. Finbar also spoke about his strong passion for environmental sustainability including his very own autobiography that he is working on. He mentioned the Cork Person of the Year Awards 30th Anniversary taking place at the end of January where he is being honoured with the award of being Cork’s number 1 performer over the past 30 years. Finbar is set to play in the University Concert Hall in Limerick on Friday February 11th.

You can listen to the full interview below.

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