
Dr. Órla Slattery Announced As Chairperson Of Inclusive National Higher Education (INHEF)

On Thursday’s Morning Focus, Alan Morrissey was joined by Dr. Órla Slattery, Chairperson of the Inclusive National Higher Education Forum.

Mary Immaculate College (MIC) lecturer, Dr Órla Slattery, who is from Ennis and lives in Quin, has been announced as the new Chairperson of the Inclusive National Higher Education Forum (INHEF).

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Dr Slattery, who works as Inclusion Co-ordinator for Adults with Intellectual Disability at MIC, takes over the position from the inaugural Chair, Mr. Des Aston (TCD).

Órla described the work she has carried out in the past and the work she does now.

She also explained that working in the role is a great honour and highlighted the goals she would like to accomplish during her term as Chairperson.

You can listen to the full interview below.
