Concerns Raised Over The Ongoing Use Of Tented Accommodation At Knockalisheen

On Tuesday’s Morning Focus, Alan was joined by Bulelani Mfaco who is a resident of Knockalisheen Direct Provision Centre  and a spokesperson for MASI, the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland. Alan was also joined by Orla Ni Eili who is the co-ordinator for Clare Immigrant Support Centre. The duo discussed the ongoing issue whereby 80 asylum seekers have recently slept in tents in freezing conditions in Knockalisheen direct provision centre over recent nights.  Bulelani highlighted the fact that there is no long term accommodation plan from the state for asylum seekers and is nervous that hotels may pull out of providing a place for those in need of emergency accomodation. Orla mentioned her disappointment with the Government beckoning asylum seekers out of the country and stated that the biggest issue associated with accommodation is supply. She suggested various solutions to the ongoing problem and believes that there are many properties laying idol in County Clare that can be used to house asylum seekers.

You can listen to the full interview below.