
Clare Students Attend ‘Young People Assemblies’ At National Museum Of Ireland

On Thursday’s Morning Focus, Alan spoke to Scoil Mhuire Ennistymon Students, Alannah McMahon, Tara Connolly and Alana Doyle along with artist, Anthony Haughley. Recently, students from Scoil Mhuire in Ennistymon took part in the ‘Young People Assemblies’ at the National Museum of Ireland. Anthony discussed the event which was part of the Decade of Centenaries Artist Residency which took a look back at the first 100 years of Ireland and looked ahead to the future of the country. He spoke about the importance of the event which helped students between the ages of 15-18 voice their opinion surrounding ongoing issues that they feel are valid. The students stressed the importance of addressing issues as a group and mentioned some of the issues that will face them in the near future.

You can listen to the full interview below.

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