
Ours To Protect [Week 19]

Welcome to another episode of Ours To Protect, as we take a closer look at biodiversity and sustainability in Co Clare.

Bees are the most important pollinator of crops and native plant species in Ireland.

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They are a key component of our wildlife and one of the busiest, least appreciated work forces we have.

Of the 99 species of bee in Ireland there is only one native honey bee species and its importance to our biodiversity cannot be over stated.

Growing up, Noel Leahy’s family always had bees on their and now operates Sliabh Aughty Honey. He appreciates the importance of bees to nature and our lives.

Pat Flynn met with Noel at Ennis Farmer’s Market to talk about the importance of bees to biodiversity.


* To ensure bees can thrive, reduce mowing to allow native wildflowers like Dandelions, Clover and Birds-foot Trefoil to naturally return over time.

* Manage native hedgerows for biodiversity. The more blossom your hedgerow has in spring, the better it is for biodiversity. Allow hedges to grow into a natural A-shape profile rather than a neat box shape.

* Plant pollinator friendly trees. Native trees and shrubs such as Willow, Hawthorn, Rowan, Crab Apple, and Holly support huge numbers of insects including pollinators. Plant a young tree in the autumn or winter, or grow them from seed.

* Create nesting habitats for pollinators. Wild pollinators nest in hedgerows, wild areas, dry stone walls, and even in the ground. To make a nesting habitat for them, just scrape back some bare earth, leave some areas to grow wild, or simply drill holes 10cm deep in unvarnished wood for solitary bees.


Sliabh Aughty Honey

Clare FM Ours To Protect

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