Welcome to another episode of Ours To Protect, as we take a closer look at biodiversity and sustainability in Co Clare.
Whether our homes are near or far from the sea, our lives depend on our planet’s oceans.
Covering around 70% of the earth’s surface, our seas provide us with food as well as livelihoods for millions, if not billions of people worldwide.
Every time we breathe, half of the oxygen we take in has come from the Oceans.
But, do we really appreciate the value of these water masses and how they impact or lives and climate?
Pat Flynn has been chatting with Kilrush-based Dr Simon Berrow, CEO of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group and lecturer in Marine and Freshwater Biology at the Atlantic Technological University in Galway.
Did You Know?
* It’s easy to forget that we are an island nation and that the sea dominates our lives. We need to become more ocean-literate as a society, community and a country. Once we understand the value of our oceans and seas, there’ll be more of a hunger to protect and manage them properly.
* Climate change has a huge effect on our seas which have seen a massive increase in temperatures in recent years which has a knock-on effect on fish stocks.
* The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group is a project partner in the new marine protected area campaign. Building a movement of ocean stewardship; Fair Seas seeks to protect, conserve and restore Ireland’s unique marine environment.
* The IWDG’s ambition is to see Ireland become a world leader in marine protection, giving our species, habitats and coastal communities the opportunity to thrive. The group believes we need much more research before we can take the necessary steps to protect our seas.