
Ours To Protect [Week 14]

Welcome to another episode of Ours To Protect, as we take a closer look at biodiversity and sustainability in Co Clare.

This week, we’ll hear about the work Electric Ireland Superhomes are doing to make Irish homes more energy efficient.

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By doing so, the company is supporting Ireland’s efforts to achieve  climate action targets through a commitment to deliver 35,000 home retrofits nationally by 2030.

Johnny Redmond is a retrofit engineer with Electric Ireland Superhomes based in Co Clare.

He is also involved with the SEAI Sustainable Energy Communities Project in Kilkee and on the Loop Head Peninsula.


* If you believe your home could benefit from a retrofit programme, seek advice and what requires to be done and what financial supports could be available to you.

* Small things like draughty doors and windows could result in your home losing significant heat. This is something you could possibly deal with yourself.

* Roof, wall and floor insulation could provide significant benefits and result in your home retaining more of its heat.

* Use the radiator valve to turn the temperature down or off in rooms that you do not use a lot or at all.


Electric Ireland Superhomes

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Clare FM Ours To Protect

Ours To Protect Website

