
Ours To Protect [Weekly Episode 45]

Welcome to another episode of Ours To Protect, as we take a closer look at biodiversity and sustainability in Co Clare.

Burren in Bloom, the renowned annual celebration of the unique biodiversity and natural heritage of the Burren region in Countys Clare and Galway, will get underway on May 3rd.

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With events scheduled for every weekend of May, this year’s programme promises a wonderful range of guided walks and workshops that explore various aspects of biodiversity in the Burren.

The programme also highlights actions that individuals or communities can take to make more space for nature on their land.

Pranjali Bhave, is Communications Coordinator with the BurrenBeo Trust. She first told Pat Flynn who BurrenBeo are and what the trust does.

Did you know?

* When it comes to flowers, the Burren has few parallels. This region supports an enormous diversity and density of species. It is estimated that 70% of Ireland’s 900 native species are in the Burren.

* There is a curious mix of Arctic-Alpine and Mediterranean species, calcicole (lime-loving) and calcifuge (lime-hating) species as well as 23 of Ireland’s 27 native orchid species.

* The density and diversity of plants is due to a variety of factors including the warm moist air from the Gulf Stream, the high light-density of the region and the heat reflected from the limestone pavements.

However, the most important factor contributing to the rich floral diversity of the Burren uplands is the traditional practice of cattle grazing these areas mainly in the winter period. This practice removes potentially dominant grass and weed species, thus allowing the dormant herb flora sufficient light and resources to prosper over their flowering season, with little threat of being trampled by livestock.

* The Burren in Bloom festival is coordinated by the local community-led charity, Burrenbeo Trust. The event is supported by The Heritage Council, local businesses that provide free venues and many of the speakers who are giving their time for free to raise funds for the charity.

* The Burrenbeo Trust is a landscape charity dedicated to connecting people and place with the aim to help all of us identify ways in which we care for our places. This is carried out through providing information, education, active conservation and supporting research on the future sustainable management of the Burren region.


Burren In Bloom

Clare FM Ours To Protect

Ours To Protect Website

