Welcome to another episode of Ours To Protect, as we take a closer look at biodiversity and sustainability in Co Clare.
Businesses in the Burren region of Co Clare are reaping the benefits of moving from expensive fossil fuels to solar power with considerable financial and environmental savings over the past year.
The collective effort of these businesses, all part of the Burren Ecotourism Network, sets a precedent for others in the region and beyond, encouraging a broader adoption of renewable energy solutions.
The hotel is steeped in history and former guest J.R.R. Tolkien is said to have been influenced by the Burren when writing The Lord of the Rings.
Pat Flynn met with Simon Haden, Managing Director at Gregans Castle Hotel, which is located in a very scenic but sensitive area at the foot of the iconic Corkscrew Hill.
* Much of what has been done at Gregan’s Castle Hotel can be implemented in most business and even at home.
* In September 2018 the hotel switched from LPG to naturally produced Bio-LPG as their primary fuel source.
* In January 2020 management installed a heat pump system to service three of the hotel’s bedrooms.
* Since May 2000 the hotel has purchased all its electricity from Airtricity. This electricity is generated in Ireland from wind energy.
* Then in January 2023 they installed a pv solar system which is generating 32% of their daytime electricity.
* While the initial investment is substantial, the payback for Gregan’s has been happening faster than expected.