
Ours To Protect [Week 12]

Welcome to another episode of Ours To Protect, as we take a closer look at biodiversity and sustainability in Co Clare.

Aillwee Cave near Ballyvaughan in North Clare is one of Ireland’s most popular tourist attractions.

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The now world-famous Cave was first discovered in 1940 by local farmer Jack McGann.

The Johnson and Mulqueeney families had seen the potential for opening the cave as a tourist attraction at a time when tourism in The Burren and North Clare was in its infancy.

The business has developed over the years and has always aimed to be as sustainable as possible but in more recent years biodiversity has become an equally important focus and both work hand in hand.

Pat Flynn met with Dave Merrins who is farmshop team leader and cheese production manager at the Aillwee Burren Experience. He is also part of the business’s biodiversity team.


* If you are planting trees, why not plant more than just one species. Plant other compatible trees that would further enhance your project.

* If you plan to develop your own Hare’s Corner or meadow, why not provide a pathway also so that people can also enjoy your hard work.

* Provide information about the work you’ve done and the species of trees, grass or shrubs you have planted. It’s good to educate others about what you’re doing.

* Also consider developing an area for a pond or if you have natural wetland, develop that and monitor.


Aillwee Burren Experience

Clare FM Ours To Protect

Ours To Protect Website

